Gigantor Launches the next Evolution of AI Acceleration

Gigantor Technologies Inc. Welcomes a New Advisor Francis Landolf

Written by Jessica Jones | May 17, 2023 5:33:39 PM

Originally Published June, 2021

Gigantor Technologies Inc. is proud to announce the newest member of our advisory board, Francis Landolf. Francis spent 15-years leading the public sector Department of Defense organizations responsible for delivering time-critical services essential for informed military and National level decisions. He developed and deployed the processing solutions that transformed network and communications data into a form consumable by intelligence analysts. Successful execution of such complex missions required navigating an immensely diverse workforce through a rapidly changing political, economic, and technological landscape.

He retired from federal service in 2005 and joined Booz Allen Hamilton prior to founding his consulting practice. As a consultant, Francis advises business and government on technology strategy, change management, executive coaching, and development.

Gigantor Technologies welcomes Francis and will leverage his military defense technology knowledge as well as his professional contact network to bring our technology, GigaMACS™, to the front line for America.  

GigaMACS™ is a revolutionary technology improving the performance capabilities of convolutional neural network models. GigaMACS™ can monitor an autonomous reconnaissance collection camera feed at full scale in real-time to locate and identify targets. With an adjunct circuit, GigaMACS™ can apply the same model to multiple scales in parallel so a single model can find all objects at various distances with equal accuracy. GigaMACS’™ low power implementation of Neural Network inference can be used to implement multiple recognition tasks with instantaneous reactions.

“We’re very excited to have Fran join the Gigantor team as an advisor, ” says Don Gaspar, CEO.  “Fran brings a wealth of experience in the defense, intelligence community, and aerospace sectors. He will be of tremendous help in identifying opportunities for Gigantor to apply our best-of-class AI Acceleration technology.”

“It is hard to see how Gigantor’s game-changing technology won’t be a part of most operational AI solutions where performance and fidelity are the overarching imperatives. Gigantor’s GigaMACS™ invalidates the assumption that data must be discarded to achieve performance.” ~ Fran Landolf

Fransis’ extensive background with the DOD, services for the military, and national security level decisioning skills, will help Gigantor Technologies introduce GigaMACS™ to the people defending America.